Unsere Zielsetzung und Beratungsphilosophie ist es, gemeinsam mit Ihnen und unseren Partnern bestehende und künftige Anforderungen optimal abzudecken.

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matchflow GmbH & Co. KG

Right Form: private limited partnership
Registered Office: Dortmund
Registered-Court Dortmund - HRA 16310

Individual Liable Stockholder

Living Image GmbH

Right-Form: GmbH
Registered Office: Dortmund
Registered-Court Dortmund - HRB Nr. 20044

Managing Director: Tim Brakensiek

Contact Informations

Riesestraße 15
44267 Dortmund

(Appointment only by agreement. We plead to refrain from all sorts of advertisements.)

Postfach 160227
44332 Dortmund

(Please use always the postal address, especially different post-offices from the German post offices)


Telefon: ++49 (0) 700 90700-000
(we reject all sorts of advert. calls)

Telefax: ++49 (0) 700 90700-700
(we reject all sorts of advert. faxes)

Zollnr.: 6154719


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Graphical Materials

We can get hold of our own Graphical materials back as far as possible, which is subjected to the supervision of our Copyright and without any formal permission to be made public is allowed.

Strange graphical material is performed either in accordance with identification or successional:

  • Photo in Headbanner (Puzzle) from Rainer Sturm @ Pixelio.de
